Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality: Book 1

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality LyX files
"Cleaner" version than the one by IlCensore: (but still - big thanks to him, for creating all the lyx files for all the chapters)
- Removed Images
- Split into three books (1+2 | 3+4 | 5+6)
- Same style across all three volumes
- Removed compiler errors (at least on my machine)
- etc etc
you will need the Crimson and Biolinum font - and LyX
Calculations (official PDFs)
Book 1: HJPEV and the Methods of Rationality :: 351 p
Book 2: HJPEV and the Professor's Games :: 287 p
Book 3: HJPEV and the Shadows of Death :: 397 p
Book 4: HJG and the Phoenix's Call :: 393 p
Book 5: HJPEV and the Last Enemy :: 231 p
Book 6: HJPEV and the Philosopher's Stone :: 319 p
VOL 1 : 638
VOL 2 : 790
VOL 3 : 550
SUM : 1978 p
Calculations (my LyX files)
VOL 1 : Ch 001-021 + 022-037 -> 597p ( epubli: 32€ )
VOL 2 : Ch 038-064 + 065-085 -> 719p ( epubli: 45€ )
VOL 3 : Ch 086-099 + 100-122 -> 493p ( epubli: 38€ )
1809p ( 115 € )
1. A Day of Very Low Probability
2. Everything I Believe Is False
3. Comparing Reality To Its Alternatives
4. The Efficient Market Hypothesis
5. The Fundamental Attribution Error
6. The Planning Fallacy
7. Reciprocation
8. Positive Bias
9. Title Redacted, Part I
10. Self Awareness, Part II
11. Omake Files 1, 2, 3
12. Impulse Control
13. Asking the Wrong Questions
14. The Unknown and the Unknowable
15. Conscientiousness
16. Lateral Thinking
17. Locating the Hypothesis
18. Dominance Hierarchies
19. Delayed Gratification
20. Bayes's Theorem
21. Rationalization
22. The Scientific Method
23. Belief in Belief
24. Machiavellian Intelligence Hypothesis
25. Hold Off on Proposing Solutions
26. Noticing Confusion
27. Empathy
28. Reductionism
29. Egocentric Bias
30. Working in Groups, Pt 1
31. Working in Groups, Pt 2
32. Interlude: Personal Financial Management
33. Coordination Problems, Pt 1
34. Coordination Problems, Pt 2
35. Coordination Problems, Pt 3
36. Status Differentials
37. Interlude: Crossing the Boundary